
About Us

Discover Asian Theological Seminary's belief, distinctiveness, student conduct, faculties and affiliation.

Distinctiveness of ATS

Discover what sets Asian Theological Seminary apart in theological education and community impact

  • A digitalized system

    ATS focuses on administering consistent academic policies in a digitalized system, including a uniform application form, identical admission timelines, standardized exam schedules, uniform result publication, grading styles, and generating digital mark sheets.

  • A Doctrinal Harmony

    ATS focuses on doctrinal cohesion on essential Bible doctrines, including authority and inerrancy of scriptures, the Trinity, deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, human depravity, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection of Jesus, salvation by faith alone, and the physical return of Jesus.

  • A Continuous Evaluation System

    ATS places a strong emphasis on a Continuous Evaluation System, which involves regularly assessing and reviewing students' progress throughout the academic year. This approach includes various assessment methods such as quizzes, tests, and exams conducted consistently. The goal is to ensure that students have a continuous and thorough understanding of theological and biblical concepts, fostering their ongoing growth and readiness for future leadership roles.

  • An approved faculty and Bible-based curricula

    ATS ensures quality theological education by employing qualified faculty with official recognition and utilizing approved, Bible-based curricula, including the comprehensive study of the entire Bible. This commitment guarantees adherence to established standards, maintaining consistency and excellence in education.

Asian Theological
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