
Why ATS?

Discover Asian Theological Seminary's mission, history and message.

ATS Needs

Discover why Asian Theological Seminary is essential for theological studies and spiritual growth.

The history of theological seminaries in Nepal reflects significant challenges and transformations shaped by societal and religious changes. Until the 1990s, illiteracy and limited access to formal biblical education were major barriers, with some leaders dismissing the need for theological training, relying solely on the Holy Spirit. Early seminaries prioritized evangelism and social outreach over rigorous education, while others fell into disrepute by issuing fake certificates or promoting denominational agendas over biblical truth. As a result, the biblical preaching and teaching of God's Word diminished and the glory of preaching and teaching departed from the church. Bible exposition was almost entirely lost.

The purpose of Asian Theological Seminary (ATS) is to counter this trend and strive to produce competent, confident, responsible, and committed men and women of faith to impact the world for Christ.

To fulfill this mission, ATS offers Bachelor's and Master's degree programs designed to lay a solid foundation of Christian faith and train Bible expositors from South Asia. These programs equip students to serve God effectively as pastors, professors, missionaries, and in various other areas of Christian ministry.

Asian Theological
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